Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hello again friends!

Sooo, I took a little hiatus to birth a child and all of that fun stuff, but now I am back and better than ever.  Or something like that.  For this post I want to address the ever-elusive "New Year's Resolution Monster". 

At the beginning of December every year I start to dwell on the fact that another year is waning and I obsess about everything I said I was going to do at the beginning of the year.  Typically, I make a dumb resolution like eating better or going to spin class every week, and like most people I give up on that around March-ish.  Luckily this past year was completely different.....My goal was to see how much I could do in 2013.  And shit, I did a lot.

My husband and I started off the year by finding out we were going to have another rug rat.  At first I was totally overwhelmed and wished black death to his man-junk, but eventually I got over that and semi-enjoyed getting gigantic in the midsection and peeing every second.

Next we bought a jeep.  This might not seem note-worthy to some people, but it was my last hold out before becoming the suburban-SUV driving-soccer mom. 

We actually went on a for-real family vaca to Arizona where we hung out with family, had multiple heart and panic attacks at the Grand Canyon, and I got to ride on a plane with a three year old.  All things considered, it was a great trip.

THEN I finally graduated from college and got accepted into grad school.

And we bought a new house. In the burbs.  Now I really am THAT mom. 

So that was 2013.  Any-who, back to my original point....instead of failing at another resolution I am resolving to "GSD" (getting shit done).  Please join me and let's make this a year for the books. 

Keep truckin friends.

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