Friday, April 14, 2017

Are you ready for that race on Monday?

If you have to ask what 'that race on Monday is' you might as well throw out your runner card.  Or burn it.  That race on Monday is the Boston Marathon. Yep.  The big kahuna of races.  Am I ready? Considering it is 4 days away, I better freaking be.  Here are my thoughts about marathon readiness.

1. I have run.  And run a butt-load.  I run when I don't want to, I do laps around the city for 20 mile runs.  I binge on Netflix during my long runs and quality time with my treadmill.  I get up at the ass-crack of dawn or run right after lunch and try not to barf.  Yes.  I have hit the roads and 'mill a lot.  For the running part, yes.  I am ready.

2. I got a handle on my mid-run nutrition.  I learned how to eat on the run.  I have experimented with gels, whole foods, Larabars, dates, drinks, you name it.  I have also done a ton of research, experimented and found out what works for me.  I know that every long race that I hit the wall was because I did not hydrate or fuel properly, so I have come up with a plan (thanks Julie Sparks and @theathletespalate1) to fuel every 3-ish miles or even more frequently.  I also start the race much later in the day (10:30) so I will have plenty of time to front load on some caloric and carb goodness.  I have changed some of my longer runs to reflect the later start time. 

3. Supplements.  I have never EVER really been one to take much in the way of medication, so I was always convinced that taking supplements would somehow break this trend.  Man, I was totally incorrect.  After some suggestions from Julie, my athletic nutrition guru, I realized that not only is my diet B vitamin deficient, I also could use a magnesium supplement, and an inflammation management supplement was not a terrible idea either.  I am still awful at taking pills, but I have really tried to make a concerted effort, and it seems like it's paying off.  Less pain, stiffness, and general feeling of 'funk', so, I guess I am a convert. 

4. Overall nutrition.  My nutrition has never sucked, per say, but it definitely needed some tweaking. I still have the occasional evening binge session of spicy Cheez-its, but I have done my best to cut out the processed foods that were left in my diet. 

5. Gear.  I always act like I don't care about gear, and for the most part, look like a homeless person with a sweet pair of running shoes, so I upped my gear game.  I mean, for God's sake, at least look like you give a crap and try to match.  It's also a great way to show off some of the awesome people and organizations that support my running. 

6. Family.  I am here with my parents, which may get a massive eye roll about 743 times in the next few days, BUT I have given these people a ton of shit.  And like real-deal shit, and for whatever reason, they still speak to me.  My kids and the hubs are staying behind, which is a blessing since I will be freaking the f out and don't want to worry about wiping butts or finding lost matchbox cars.  I am very thankful to have them as my marathon Sherpa crew. 

So, all of the above being said.  Thank you.  To all of you.  I would not ever dream that one day I would have this incredible opportunity. 

1 comment:

  1. Go Brooke, Go! You are SO ready. I will be cheering for you (and following you online)!
    Also would like to hear more about the supplement intake at some point.
