Wednesday, October 10, 2018

5ks are not my bag.

How is it humanly possible that a girl who used to cry when assigned to anything over the 800 meter run in track meets now can't finish a 5k without looking like death was about to warm over? Well, yes, friends it is possible.
Over the summer and fall I have competed in 2 5 mile races (one sucked, one not so much) and 3 5ks.  Take a wild guess which sucked wayyyy more? Ding ding.  You got it.  F 5ks.  Here are the things I have recently learned.
Getting old sucks.  At 36 I am definitely in prime shape, but no longer successful long sprint shape.  Anymore a 5k is simply 20 minutes of life just sucking.  For the life of me, I can't even break 20 minutes anymore, which used to be a walk in the park.  While it's disappointing, it has taught me that there are much more important things than winning. Accepting that in my ripe old age, it's time to focus on some different stuff.
I have heard the frustration of many of my mom friends that they simply don't have time to train, I must be so lucky to fit long training into my schedule, etc.  and here's the deal...there's no secret.  While I refuse to wake up at the ass crack of zero-dark-thirty to shove in a miserable (and frankly dangerous) long run, I will head out at 2 pm and squish in some miles.  I will also spend lots of quality time in my basement on the treadmill, binging a random ultra-violent Netflix show (currently, season 10 of the Sopranos) with closed captioning on, while taking 15 minute breaks to make sure my children are not strangling one another.
I see some other runners on social media posting about their amazing last race and how they 'get' to run miles and miles outdoors while their kids are in school, and OF COURSE I am jealous.  It sucks to know that the 'if onlys...' start to creep in.  If only I could get up earlier...if only I was more dedicated....if only my job was different....but guess what.  I am working with what I got.  Maybe that means one race every 6 months or missing out on something I want to do, it is what it is and I have to be happy that I have a supportive family, a great network of running friends, and the ability to put one foot in front of the other.  Maybe I am not in as good of shape as others, maybe I am dying to travel across the country to race, but at this point, none of that matters.
So, 5k PRs might be a thing of the past, or maybe not.  No matter what happens, I will always be thankful I can do what I love to do.  And that's run.

And eat.  Let's not forget about that.  ITS PUMPKIN SPICE SEASON.  Yes, I am that basic.
Cheers friends! Happy Running

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