ANNNDDDDD......When all else fails, do a PLOT TWIST and move on.
I had every intention of running a nice little 10k this past weekend, but that didn't exactly happen. Friday afternoon, while singing to a terrible pop song from the 90's in my car, I got the great idea that I should 'upgrade' to more than double that distance and jump in a half marathon. Most people would call this crazy, but here are my reasons....
1. I am not a person who is terribly good with flexibility. I love a good plan and sticking to it. For me to change my mind at the last second is highly a-typical. I wanted to prove to myself that not only is my fitness up to par, but I could make changes on the fly and be okay with them.
2. Test of fitness. I wanted to make sure that I am as fit as I think I am. Right now, I am running better than I have in many years. At this point, I don't see any kind of roadblock outside of injuries that can keep me from my goal, and this race instilled my confidence in the training that I have been doing over the past few months.
3. Help out a friend, and reap the benefits at the same time. I went into the race knowing that I would not be taking home a big, fat "W" so I made it my goal to stick with my training partner and give her a great race. We hung together through 10 miles in exactly 70 minutes, and then went seek and destroy mission on the last 5k. It was an awesome feeling to run a really respectable time and race smart (for once!).
Sometimes life throws something at you, and your decisions can make or break everything that you worked for. Sometimes you just gotta go for it.
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