Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Workout Wednesday II
Work it girl/guy.  This will be the subject for today's blog.  As you may or may not be aware, I like to run. A lot.  However, there is an element to running that I love the most... the work. Running requires a certain amount of pure grit and work that you cannot find anywhere else.
My favorite way to put in that work is through fast/slow intervals on the road or treadmill.  Let's be clear, there's different levels of 'work'.  Work level 1- jogging.  I know, in running, this is basically a curse word.  I get it, but it is far more productive than coming to a walk or dead stop.  Work level 2- running.  This means running at a moderately fast pace (i.e. marathon pace or a pace that makes you feel a little uncomfortable). Work level 3- sprint.  Like I am gonna throw up in my mouth and hyperventilate kind or running.  Or 5k pace, which ever is more difficult.

To get moving, start with your warm up, stretch, etc.  Whatever you need to get moving.  Then we start a ladder of jog (J), run (R), sprint (S)
Here it goes..
2 min J
2 min R
2 min S
3 min J
3 min R
3 min S
4 J
4 R
4 S
4 R
4 J
3S......and back down

Sound tough? It is.  The goal of the entire thing is NEVER STOP MOVING.  In the end, you end up doing the workout for well over 40 minutes so make sure that you give yourself plenty of time.
Why would one ever subject themselves to such terrible-ness? Two words, changing gears.  In a race, you rarely run the exact same pace for the duration of the distance/time.  There are times when you fluctuate from fast, to cruise control, and back to a kick.  By training your body to recognize that a. you are able to change gears on the fly, and b. you can recover from a 'pick up' you will train both your body and mind to be a better runner.
Mind over matter.  Seriously.
Work it.

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